Don't call this a comeback!

Nothing better than quoting LL Cool J in a golf blog.
OK. Maybe I was premature in writing Mike Weir off, especially after he shot the lights out at Pebble Beach yesterday. Weir was on fire, playing the game at the same level as 2003. The only problem -- Luke Donald, who was one better than Weir's 63, and on Spyglass, arguably the toughest track played at the AT&T. Weir, who had five birdies in a row and has started strong again today, seemed surprised by how low Donald went:
"I knew there was going to be some low scores today," Weir said. "But 10 under at Spyglass? I thought of the lower scores, there might be more on this golf course than the other two. But Luke obviously played a great round over at Spyglass to do that."
Sure did. But Weir's in a good spot, especially if he plays well today.
As a follow up to Geoff Shackelford's posts on the pro

Dear Mr Topp:
I have had your email forwarded to me. I am currently the Club
Secretary and fully aware of the developments of which you speak.I should advise that I am a keen golfer and historian and do understand very much the historical implications whenever our golf course make alterations or improvements.I can assure you that we have consulted eminent golf historians, the &A.and other golfing authorities to discuss the potential impact. Can I first of all state unequivically that the golf course will continue to maintain its authentic claim as an historic and antique golf course.I note that you are under the perception that the golf course is untouched and the layout as it was at the turn of the twentieth Century. I do not hope to disappoint you but the
course has seen many alterations over the last century and not all of these were beneficial. I can point to the ninth hole which is a complete new hole built only ten years ago. The original hole was replaced. Other changes include the relocating of the third green in 1987 and the realignment of the Fourth fairway. Personally I do not believe that the course 'is as it was'. What is true is the layout remains similar in the sense that the holes continue to run in the same directions as before. With the new
development that would continue to be true. However we at the Club have insisted that only top quality architechts and ground care specialists are involved in the alterations necessary. Having met the technical team hired for this project I am certain there is more than enough expertise to provide the
golfers here with a course similar to that which we are used but much improved in terms of its playability and cosmetic look. I am certain the plans will allow the course to continue to develop itself in line with its historic past and even allow the possibilty of new history being written as the golf course
moves into a new era. It should be remebered that very little has happened here for 100 years and the course has suffered as a result. A second phase plan allows for the course to be extended to 18 holes with new facilities which would
include a Musselburgh Golf Heritage Centre. The opportunity to educate golfers about Musselburgh's place in the game would be well represented by such a project. It will not be possible to hold another Open championship but I am
certain the golf course would regain some of its lost reputation in the golfing scene. I think what is paramount to remember is that the golf course can only retain its claims if people still play golf here. It is therefore imperitive that things the golf course adapts itself to the modern game and demands of golfers. Musselburgh racecourse needs to do similarly for its
patrons and as a result both facilities can mutually benefit by the initiative of the Racecourse.East Lothian council, the administrators of the area see the potential and have backed the project with considerable funding. We believe we
can emerge from the project with a much improved golf course and one that will allow its past to be celebrated in a manner which is long overdue. If you require more information please contact me.Yours sincerely,
Robin McGregor, Secretary
I'm actually hoping I'm wrong about Weir's game and that this is another breakout season. I'd be publicly willing to admit I misjudged him if he strings together some great tournaments this year.
ref Robin McGregor,s comments;- please note that photo image above letter is that of musselburgh golf course. not the old course and certainly not that of the royal musselburgh golf course.we also have a pitch and putt golf course at fisherrow, musselburgh and its not an image of that either! That said you would not make out the old golf course as having been a site of some of the first "open" Championships of golf if you were to see photo or otherwise images of musselburgh old golf course after proposed all weather horse racing track had been built!Please help oppose these plans!!!.Robins heart is in the right place,looking out for the golf course and its members unfortunately this is/has been from a view point that the proposed development of allweather track for horse racing. has been signed and sealed for a long time.?
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